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August 11, 2012

Daniel Castrellon goes for a drive

LeiNaD went out for a drive but immediately forgot where he was going that he turn the car around and drove back Dallas after 5 hr drive to nowhere. .... Still caint remember where I was going. -LeiNaD-

August 07, 2012

Daniel Castrellon Art for 2012

My first attempts of painting or trying to paint that  I tried something new this year and this is what I decided to learn. Below are a few samples of what I painted so far.


LeiNaD Black Stripes

LeiNaD EliWise Dos

LeiNaD Red Stripes

LeiNaD Crayon Bars

LeiNaD Zebra Print

LeiNaD EliWize


Make it happen captain. The only risk in life is not taking one.




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