« Friday 8-28-09 | Main

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Daniel Castrellon

* Big news *

Daniel Castrellon was spotted in the store buying some socks and new shoes. More detail will be posted when we finish following him on this fine Saturday. We have also spotted a little version of him and from our sources is called Elijah but not sure we will confirm and we will let everyone know if this name is true. It seems that he is having a good time and we passed him to make sure it was him driving because he is usually not driving but has a driver called Osomino the bear.

From what we can his smile is a sign that this Saturday is going good for him and yes it is official that he is hanging out with his son of 7 years old and we see where he gets his good looks.

Our contacts are going to follow him thruout the day to see what else he buys since he is the new face of the Castrellons and is very interesting to read and talk about.

More post to come....

The Castrellon fan club of Dallas.


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