Limited by haters
Once again I have been limited to my sites from my job and have been categorized as streaming media even though I created them and know what I have on them. I understand why you tube, twitter, myspace and Facebook have been blocked from most companies due to high traffic and slowing down bandwidth, but I don't think a small site like or will have the same impact like the main popular site on the web.
All I can say is that I know haters when I see them. It's cool with me that they block my sites I just don't understand why...I guess I will never know. I just hope they can give me a reason why so I can remove what they think is streaming media from my site since I looked into filtering software and none on them have filtered my sites as streaming media and ergo this blockage has been done manually by someone and I know who it was.
Oh well I will continue creating sites and the filtering block will only make me stronger and more creative on how I design my sites so keep on blocking them you are only helping me out.
P.S. I love Haters