True Friends
It's been a while since I've spoken to a true friend that today was a good day and have the privilege to catch up with one I have not heard from in years. Catching up with a dear friend that it is true to everything and never changed is a wonderful thing that everyone needs at least one. Friends are hard to find and it's better not to make enemies with the ones you already have. Everyone needs that one friend just to talk or just to let them know everything is going to be ok. Words can make you happy even if it's for just a few minutes of back and forth typing. I would like to say it was a good conversation and I'm glad we both came in contact either by accident or planned but in all it was a good thing. I have a few friends here in Dallas but some chose to move to Cali but she is in contact which I guess I will forgive here for moving. Right now I have two very close friends and they are at my top list of people I can count on and talk to and both are women go fig. They also know I am always here to lend an ear or a shoulder for that needed out burst of life problems or just daily struggles everyone deals with just to get it out of their chest. True Friends what a good thing to have! Later -LeiNaD-