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The Truth On Obama

Why is the media trying to make Obama look bad when it is far from the truth on what he was doing? Is it that there is nothing going on in the world that the media has to post a picture of him supposedly looking at a young girls back side?


Barack Obama Contraversial Photo


Well I saw the [video] and the only one that had a wondering eye was the frenchy and I’m sure everyone got a kick from that mage but look at the video and he was just trying to watch where he was stepping and helping the other women come down the stairs. I still have not found anything wrong with what he is doing and I do I will make sure to speak my mind but let the man do his job and from what I can tell he is doing a fine job! Unlike others…..BUSH… but that is the past and I’m looking forward for my future with my president Obama and hope he gets another term despite the race the, religion the ,whatever we just needed another face and view in the presidency. Every President has screwed up the economy one way or another and it’s part of the job everyone makes mistakes and if Obama makes a mistakes well… I will be sure to tell him I forgive you. What’s the worst he can do that others in the past have done with their greedy hands in the cookie jar I say let him be and just support the man he can make it a better place with everyone backing the president thru hard times since everyone is in the same boat why try to just out when land is a few miles away.


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