The Goodnight
Everyone will eventually have a goodnight one day and I've had plenty and no I don't mean what you all I know are thinking. Going to sleep right now is just a good reason for me because tomorrow will be a great morning I can just feel it. I don't worry if it's not gonna be a good morning I just know it is that I have my hopes up which is all I need to get me going.
I will take me a while to go to sleep that many wonder or think I have a sleeping disorder. I say no I just don't like to sleep I like to have a LONG day since this world is passing me by so fast that my son is now 7 which I think he needs to get a job. I wonder every year where does all that time go? I wonder at night how the day went and what should I do the next day to make my days better just for kicks. I guess I think about a lot things that my mind wonders thru those ones and zeros until my clocks start beeping then my focus comes back to the real world then get ready for a new day. I sometime feel anxious and move around as if I'm on drugs but I'm not (!) I just feel like I am sometimes that I just get all crazy for new information and need a world download. Then there are days when I feel like crap and want to stay asleep all day everyday for a month but can’t I need the information the world has to offer because I haven't learned everything to no everything I needed to fill this half full brain of mine.
Today I woke up kind of late around 7:15AM that I went to get some strong coffee got to work took care of business had a long drive home while jamming to some old school music. I took my mother out to eat and made sure we ate well and then took her home and gave her a big kiss. I checked my bank account and found out they paid me early and moved some of that green over to my savings which I'm hopping will grow into a fat down payment for a new house or slightly used one. I'm not rich you know I'm semi-above water but not that far from being broke if the economy keeps on going they way it does that I kind of hate money but what are we going to do we need it right? I took care of bills even paid my phone bill early which I now regret. I should have waited till the due date but oh well the money is already out of the bank and into the pockets of them fat cats. Then I get a call from a good friend that I have not spoken to for over a year an a half which I was really surprised it made me smile. Spoke to her for… I would say a good hour then made plans to meet up sometime next week just to catch up on what we have been up to then taken from there.
I kind of forgot what my point was for this post…… ohhh yeah... Have a GOOD NIGHT.