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Why be greedy you can be rich then end up like this!

Photo:nypost.com - Ruth Madoff using public subway!


I know everyone wants to be rich but by get greedy? I'm mean 1 billion is a lot of money hell 100$ is allot of money why go so far as to top the score and screw working families out of 65 billion? There is a few I can live without or feel bad for and they are:  Drink Drivers, Rapist, Child Predators Crack heads, Stupid people that protest just to be on the news, Spoiled rich kids that inherit money, people that kill their families then themselves, Stupid people, Conniving, Misleading, Greedy, Self observed, idiots that take advantage of the weak or lest fortunate and people that point at me and laugh cause I fell down.  I wish everyone learns from their mistake and look at everyone as a person than a profit that it takes the focus out of why we are here in this world and that is to be happy.

Yeah I understand you can get rich from what you know and what people need but never take advantage of anyone because your are the one that will suffer the worst punishment. I’m a computer technician that when I tell people how much I will charge for their repair I tell them I’m not here to make alot of money from you but to make a customer. I do not want to screw over when I fix something but when I do help I want that customer happy so when they need me or equipment breaks down again they will return with confidence and trust.

What’s the point of making millions fast with corruption and foul play? The truth will come out one way or another because there is no trust among thieves. You screw anyone that is helping get you rich will be the first to say every man for themselves. This picture just shows you that everyone falls down when they try to get to the top fast by taking advantage of ones trust. There will not be any help from your surroundings knowing money was the reason of end end of the friendship. If you hurt your friends fanatically they will turn on you in a heart beat because you are taking food from their table. What is the point of helping you when you didn’t care if you crushed their net agg.

I have 3 brothers and I will never hurt them where it hurts and that is in their pockets. I will borrow money from them if I really, really, really needed and they will always help me with open arms as I will to them with no questions ask. I will be damn if I screw them over for profits and self gratification then what will I have?? The little money I borrowed and no brothers??? Shit! I would rather stick my **** in a pencil sharpener than F with my family or friends.


I just hate it when someone tries to make it look as if they are the victims hoping for sympathy from others and strangers. Just admit what you did, give back what you can, apologies and mean it even if it ends your financial status along with that over exaggerated lifestyle. Many wish they had what you both had (The rich life) and all that power, but we all rather be broke than do what you both did!




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