Being a Parent
What is the rule on being a parent?
What does it take to become a parent?
What are the responsibilities of being a parent?
If you are a parent why take it out on the other parent just because things are not going good for you?
All these questions are being asked internally by me for me to me and I still think the answer is hidden from my view. I'm a parent and I love being a father and its' hard to think what life would of been without a child. I do what I do to make everyone happy. That there are a few that still like to fuck everything up for you even because what you do is not enough according to them. What right do they have to fuck up others lives up just because their life is all jacked up and looks like a Jerry Springer episode? Don't tell me how to run my life when I never tell you how to fuck yours up. I don't ask to be recognized as a great father even the father of the year. I just do what I think is right and continue doing it. I don't worry about what others think but its hard not to notice their ignorance and comments.
There are no rules on being a parent because no one was given a book to read before. You just do what you think is best for you child and hope for the best. Don't overdo yourself just because others want you to do what they think is right. Of course think before you do something stupid with your child and don't try to put them in harm’s way. You do what you do and stay out of others business and/or lives and everyone will be happy.
It does not take much to become a parent ….that teenagers and alcohol has proven that. If you do become a parent just except your responsibilities and don't try to take it out on the government just because you messed up and didn't protect yourself.
Everything you do as a parent you are responsible for period! The responsibility is not selected by a vote it's mostly given to the other just because they say the grass is greener... That's bullshit I think everyone involved in a child’s life is responsible for everything they do since it is a reflection of what they see and hear when around the individual every day. Children are like sponges they soak up everything. Grown-ups need to be grown-ups. You can teach an infant how to talk it just takes time and dedication because the brain is developing everyday and they are smarter than you think just focus on the ability that is waiting to be set free.
Everyone I know knows how I live and what I live for so I thank you all for the recognition but I do it because I want to not because I have to. People should learn how to let things go and let everyone live in peace so life can be smooth and enjoyable. You only get one chance there are no do-over with children. No one likes a loud speaking anoying person yelling about all kinds of shit that in their heads the world revolves around them and blurt out all kinds of nonsense. Everyone like a person that doesn’t BOTHER ME!
See how happy we are?