4th Of July: Water Balloon Fight 2
Are you ready for another fight? It’s scheduled for next weekend on the 4th of July (Saturday) so get your calendars ready and start circling. All you have to bring is your energy to fight and water balloons unless you want to bring me something because I do take donations. I will get the fajitas and do my specialty “Fajitas ala –LeiNaD-“. I’m not saying I’m going to feed everyone but you know first come first serve. So don’t expect a lot of food you hungry bastard It’s more of a water balloon fight and what I can get that is not too expensive. Everyone said they had a blast on my son’s water balloon fight party that there has to be another one with more balloons since we ran out in about 20 minutes.
I know I bought 1500 but used 1000 so that tells you we need more. Make sure these balloons burst on impact because the other ones hurt like hell and I know a few that went home with bruises and were all jacked up from the pain! We are going to have three water posts located around the backyard that way everyone doesn’t have to return to the same location and become target practice. Invite who you want and let’s take out that work-week anger out on a few grown-ups leave the kids along to fight their own battles. Grown-ups are up for grabes and to each it's own.
4th of July